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Glass Cabinets

Glass Cabinets

Although they require a little more upkeep, cabinet glass features are frequently wonderful accents to kitchens or living spaces. Because of this, it’s crucial to understand what you’re getting into before making a purchase of glass cabinets. All types of glass are custom-cut by Zenith Glass & Mirror for cabinet doors, with clear and seedy glass being the most common. In order to avoid wasting space, you should also understand how to use your cabinets to their full potential.

Which are the main types of Glass Cabinets Doors?

There are numerous ways to make your solid cabinet doors stand out because there are so many various solid cabinet door types to choose from (Shaker, flat, distressed, etc.). There are many various types of these alternatives, with glass being only one.

Clear Glass

These types of cabinet doors work for the majority of kitchen types and styles that are widely available.  Clear glass is typically found in showcase cabinets. The answer to this question is simple: a glass front cabinet is typically designed to display the items inside. It is simple to see what is in the cabinet thanks to the clear glass.

The display items may be seen from any angle because of the many display cabinets that don’t simply have glass doors but are fashioned entirely of the material.

Clear glass is a desirable option because of how elegant and streamlined it seems. Want to brag about how tidy and well-maintained your house is? Nothing does it better than a perfectly organized display cabinet with pristine glass doors.

Frosted Glass Cabinets

One more common choice for cabinet doors is frosted glass. Frosted glass has a foggier appearance that doesn’t totally obscure the objects behind it and is more opaque than regular transparent glass.

Glass frosting can be done in a number of ways, but they all provide the same distinctive smokey appearance.

Frosted glass has a mysterious quality that makes it attractive. Although it wouldn’t be the best solution for a showcase cabinet, it can still be a great way to add a little mystery to a plain cabinet.

Seeded Glass Cabinets

Seeded glass is a type of textured glass, similar to reeded glass. As you can see, using textured glass to customize your cabinetry is a flexible option! Seeded glass cabinets include bubbles of varied sizes instead of vertical lines.

Another type of glass that falls somewhere between clear and frosted glass in terms of opacity is seeded glass. Cabinets with seeded glass will have items that can be seen but are slightly hidden by the bubbles. Seeded glass is far more adjustable in this regard than reeded glass, though. With seeded glass, the bubbles’ size is everything. In contrast to smaller bubbles, which are easier to see through, larger bubbles are more likely to obscure items from vision.

Reeded Glass Cabinets

One type of textured glass is reeded glass. In order to give the glass a distinct appearance and feel, artisans create textured glass by pushing a roller into the material during the glass-making process. Reeded glass cabinets have a panel with vertical indentations that span the glass’s surface, giving the panel an almost accordion-like effect.

In terms of transparency, reeded glass lies between clear and frosted glass. The glass itself doesn’t have any frosting or additional opacity, but the reeded design slightly masks objects.

Behind the reeded glass, you can still make out an object’s shape and color. Yet, it gets more difficult to distinguish minute details. Items in cabinets with reeded glass have a nearly blurry quality.

Stained and Leaded Cabinets

The two types of glass that are characterized by lead cabling are leaded glass and stained glass. Glass is joined together by thin strips of zinc, lead, or copper, a process known as camming. The pattern formed by these strips gives any cabinet a lovely finishing touch.

Regular glass bound together by cames and colored (or stained) glass kept together, in the same manner, are both included under the umbrella term of leaded glass. Because colors can be employed to highlight patterns or represent a particular image, stained glass has the advantage of being versatile. Everyone who sees a stained glass cabinet door will be impressed!

Which are the Main Reasons for Installing Glass Cabinets?

Space Brightening 

Dark living spaces or kitchens can benefit from the use of glass cabinets. We occasionally have too much furniture, which limits or hinders natural light. It’s interesting that these glass cabinets allow for light reflection, which lights up the entire area. As a result, use glass cabinets to illuminate your dim interiors while conserving electricity.

Prevent Kitchen Cabinets from being Damaged or Greased

It’s important to constantly wash away oil because it makes everything, especially in kitchens, look greasy after a while. Compared to glass cabinets, wood cabinets are far more challenging to clean when they have a layer of oil on them. Glass has the ability to be cleaned easily due to its bright and smooth surface. Also, after a while, the wood on cabinets starts to lose its color from constant contact with cooking grease.

Create More Space

Mirrors and glass provide the impression of extra space, but this is really a reflection. Also, giving the impression that your living room or kitchen is larger makes your home more beautiful and pleasant.

More Visibility and Access

The fact that you can see everything in glass cabinets means that you have easy access to everything. Hence, you won’t have to worry about searching for anything.

Who to choose for Glass Cabinet Services?

Zenith Glass & Mirror offers the greatest glass cabinet quality in Toronto and across GTA Area. Our cabinet glass contractors have undergone extensive training and have great knowledge of glass cabinet installation and custom glass cabinets. 

Keep in touch with Zenith Glass & Mirror glass contractors at  (416)-747-8040 and let them assist you in your upcoming glass cabinet installation project. Our main goal is to deliver high-quality services by using top-notch technology equipment to fulfill our client’s glass cabinet requirements and expectations.